Siena May

Siena had struggled with her health and wellbeing for the past 10 years. Never seeing any real change she had almost given up. From having a sedentary life stlye she developed sciatic nerve pain which would wake her up in the middle of the night. Since she has started training with us she has lost 30 lbs and 10% body fat while also alleviating her hip pain.

Kevin Anthony

A freshman college basketball player who is looking to have a big sophomore season! This offseason he gained 11 lbs of muscle and dropped 4% body fat

Leo Desouza

In the past Leo had torn her ACL and achilles which halted her gym progress. Since training with us she has been able to lose 15 lbs and 6% body fat

Fadya Salem

Fadya’s main goal was to be able to improve her health to be able to conceive. Since she has started training she has been successful with that while also losing 20 lbs and 5% body fat

Mahmud Suwwan

Mahmud wanted to improve his health and overall body composition while also improving his posture and shoulder range of motion. Since he started training he has lost 15lbs and 6% body fat

Sofia Miranda

Sofia had never been active throughout her life. But once health concerns came up she was focused on improving it. Since she started training with us she has been able to lose 20 lbs and 4% body fat

Anahi Osorio

As an intern Anahi was able to get hands on experience in learning to become a top health and performance coach. In the process she was able to drop 2% of body fat herself

Frankie Greenberg

After tearing his ACL and calf Frankie was in need of a return to sport training program while also putting on lean muscle. After 3 months of training Frankie has succefully returned to sport and added 10 lbs of mucle

Leontae Lilly

Having to take a year off from basketball Leontae was determined to get back into shape for his return to the college basketball court.

Erick Alvarez

Working endless hour on the computer Erick had slowly loose range of motion and mobility in his shoulder and lower back which had began to cause pain. Since working with us he has drastically reduced his pain.

Alma Correa

Alma was looking to drop body fat and gain muscle. Since she started training with us online she has seen big changes in both.

Kate Green

When Kate came to use she wanted to improve her hip and shoulder pain while also increasing her overall upper body strength. Now she is pain free and repping out chin ups and push ups like never before.

Noah Abrham

Noah is looking to walk on at the division 1 level for college basketball. Since training with us he has put on 20lbs of muscle and drop 5% body fat

Chase Rumler

Chase had torn his hamstring during his sophomore year of college basketball. Since training with us he has fully been rehabbed to return to sport while also putting on 16 lbs of muscle.

Reece Johnson

Reece was looking to improve his performance while also rehabbing his knee pain. Now he is pain free and lost 27 lbs and 12% body fat

Marqtarius Waters

Marty had been dealing with a shoulder impingement that was hindering his sport performance. Now he has significantly improved his shoulder impingement while also putting on 10 lbs of muscle

Other Athletes

Every athlete is looking to improve performance but struggle finding exactly what works. We at Separation Szn Athletics can confidently say we know how to effectively improve performance.